When it comes time to change your boat’s name, you need to take a few essential steps to make the process as smooth and trouble-free as possible. Boat names are not regulated at the state level but are held at the federal level by the United States Coast Guard (USCG).
If you want to change your boat’s name, you’ll have to go through a few hoops – but having a vessel with a moniker that genuinely represents you and your interests is worth it.
The first step is gathering all of the required documentation. This includes proof of ownership, copies of both sides of your boat registration, and an application for a Change of Vessel Name (Form CG-1258). You’ll also need two passport-style photos taken within the past six months. Once you have everything ready, send it all in – along with payment for the $40 processing fee – to:
The United States Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center
P.O. Box 66822
New Orleans, LA 70166
Once your application has been processed and approved, you’ll receive new documentation in the mail, which will reflect your unique boat name. Congratulations!
What do I need to do to document the change of name for my boat?
If you want to change the name of your boat, you will need to fill out and submit the proper paperwork. This includes Form CG-1258, which is available as a PDF document on the Coast Guard’s website. A fee is associated with this form and must be submitted along with other required documents depending on your situation.
For example, if your vessel is subject to a mortgage, you will need permission from the mortgagee before submitting your application. You can find more information about this process on form CG-4593. Be sure to check with your state agency that handles boat registration, too–they may have specific requirements for changing the name on your boat.
When submitting documentation, ensure everything is in order and use Adobe Reader software to view and print PDF documents correctly. If all of your paperwork is in order, you should send a British or American boat registration certificate to the appropriate authority (e.g., the Secretary of State in London).
Can I rename my boat, or do I need to hire someone to do it for me?
The answer to this question depends on the regulations of your state and whether or not your boat is registered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG). In most cases, you are allowed to rename your vessel without any legal assistance. However, there may be some restrictions on what name you can choose for your boat.
For example, if you want to change the name of your boat but keep the same hull identification number (HIN), then you will need to get consent from the lender who holds the security interest in your vessel. You may also be required to file a new title application with your state’s department of motor vehicles (DMV) and pay all associated fees.
If you’re looking for a more humorous name for your boat, make sure it is appropriate and child-friendly. Remember: just because it’s funny doesn’t mean everyone will find it amusing!
In most cases, you are allowed to rename your vessel without legal assistance–but double-check with state and federal authorities first!
How do I choose a new name for my boat?
When a boat owner decides to change the name of their vessel, they must adhere to specific guidelines and regulations. A purging and renaming ceremony must be completed before you can register the new name with the authorities. All items bearing the old name should be removed or destroyed before proceeding with any part of the renaming process. The best way to obliterate a boat’s name is using white-out or metal tags.
You can’t change your vessel’s name until all these steps have been completed, including checking for items with the old name onboard. The hailing port– determined by where custom and sales taxes are collected– will also need to be consulted before changing a boat’s moniker. Boat owners should note that you can use only standard alpha and numeric characters in a boat’s new name. They should also consider the superstitious sailors about changing names without proper consultation.

Can you name your boat anything you want?
The simple answer to this question is yes. You can name your boat whatever you want. However, you should keep a few things in mind before making your final decision.
First and foremost, the opinion that a name should be one word is solely the opinion of the person who wrote the passage. Many people love two- or three-word boat names and feel they have more personality. Additionally, if you choose to name your vessel something too crazy or outrageous, it may get rejected by the United States Coast Guard (USCG).
If you’re looking for something a little more unique, you could always consider using an acronym or abbreviation for your vessel’s name. Make sure it’s easy to pronounce, and everyone aboard knows what it stands for! Some examples of “real” boat names include Victory, Ranger, Dauntless, and Endeavor.
Finally, if you decide to change your boat’s name down the road, follow all the necessary legal steps to avoid any headaches down the line.

What are the consequences of changing a boat’s name?
When changing a boat’s name, it is essential to be aware of the consequences that may follow. You need to do many things to make the change official, and not completing any of these steps could lead to negative repercussions.
For example, if you don’t update your boat’s registration, you could face stiff fines from the government. In addition, you should notify your insurers and other relevant bodies of the name change so that they can also update their records.
Are there any superstitions or beliefs about renaming a boat?
When it comes to renaming a boat, people often adhere to a few superstitions and beliefs. One popular belief is that including three “A’s” in the name of your vessel will bring good luck. Another belief is that including feminine names in a boat’s name is auspicious. Naming your vessel after an event or tragedy that resulted in another ship sinking is considered bad luck for both boats involved in the accident.
The only way to avoid this bad luck, some say, is by following a proper renaming ceremony. There are many different versions of this ritual, but most involve purifying and renaming the boat with positive intentions. Some also recommend performing the ritual outdoors under a full moon for extra good luck.
Whether you believe in these superstitions or not, it’s always best to follow the proper procedures when renaming a boat. This includes notifying the relevant authorities (e.g., your provincial government) about your change of name so they can update their records accordingly.
What if I want to sell my boat after changing its name – will the new owner be able to change the name again?
If you sell your boat after renaming it, the new owner can change the name again, but only if they follow the proper steps. This includes completing a bill of sale and notifying all relevant statutory bodies of the change in name. It is important to remember that once a boat has been registered, it is much more challenging to make changes – so make sure you are particular about any alterations before proceeding.
Can you name two boats the same name?
It is possible to name two boats the same name, but there are a few rules you need to follow. In the U.S., U.K., and many other countries, boats with the same name are allowed even if they are different models. However, boat owners in Australia must register their boat’s name with Transport NSW if they want to use a common name for their vessel.
Do boat names get registered?
Yes, certain boats must have their name registered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG), but this is not the case with all boats. The USCG does have a list of requirements for boat names, but there are also state laws that you must follow.
A boat must have a name on its bow, stern, or hull. You can place this name in many ways, but the most common way is to paint it onto the side of the boat.
If you are wondering if your name is legal, the first thing to do is check with your state’s motor vehicle department to see what their requirements are for registering a boat. Some states allow you to use a name not registered with the USCG. In fact, some states do not require that your boat have a name.
Does the boat name go on the front or back?
Regarding boat names, there are no hard and fast rules. You can put your boat name on the front or back- whatever you prefer! In fact, the word “name” is a little misleading because it’s really up to you where you want to put it.
Many people choose to put their boat name on the back of their vessel so that it’s easily visible as they sail away. This makes sense because you want people to see your beautiful boat and know its name!
However, some boaters choose to place their name on the front of their vessel instead. There are many reasons for this- perhaps they want their guests to read it when they come aboard, or maybe they think it looks nicer in that spot.
Ultimately, the decision is up to you, and there are no wrong answers here!